EVE Online English Guides
categorieShip Codex
Astuces :
All stats given in this area will be all skills V, except ship-specific bonuses (like for instance the cargohold/inertia bonus on industrials).
After having selected a ship, put your mouse on various elements to see an informative popup.
Press "Enter" to auto-complete your partial search if said search only has one suggestion.
Shortcuts that you can also use by pressing "Enter": HFI, SFI, TFI, VFI, ANI, BNI, CNI, DNI, ENI, GNI, HNI, ONI, RNI, SNI, and VNI
Categories available:
Not available in english yet!
- Corvettes
- T1 Frigates
- T1 Navy ("Faction") Frigates
- Pirate Frigates
- T1 Destroyers
- T1 Cruisers

Note about the Power Rating:

Please keep in mind that the "Power Ranking" of a ship is only relative to its own category and role.

It is only a subjective summary of its overall potential, which takes into account its attributes and bonuses, without focusing on one specific fitting. The Power Rating is heavily weighted toward PvP situations.

The goal of the Power Rating is to help nuance ships within their own category, and to help new players identify "safe bets".

It is recommended that you keep in mind that the main goal of the Codex is to evaluate ships in PvP and PvE separately with a lenghty description. Also note that a Power Rating of 3 is an ACCEPTABLE level (so, this doesn't work like a school grade where 10/20 is the bare minimum before bad, for instance), and that a ship with a low Power Rating can still be fully efficient, but maybe with a bit more effort than average.